You've also got the instructions in your Student's book, pages 18-19.
1. Open a Word document to do all the activities proposed. Save it with your name.
2. Read the informative essay below and identify the connectors of cause and result (copy them in the Word document). Use a dictionary to look up the words you don't know.
3. Do activities 3-4 on page 19 (SB) in your Word document..
4. Final task: write an informative essay on an invented language such as Esperanto, Klingon, Interlingua... You'll need to do some research to find important and relevant facts for your essay. You can also use the "useful expressions" on page 19.
Write 100-130 words using the model. Send Charo the document with all the tasks.
1st Paragraph - Opening: introduces the topic.
2nd Paragraph - Body: develops the topic with facts.
3rd Paragraph - Closing: summarises the topic.
Grading criteria:
Steps 2-3 (activities): 2.5 p.
Step 4 (writing):
Organisation in paragraphs: 0.75p.
Appropriate content in each paragraph: 0.5p. - 1.5p. - 0.25p.
Grammar: 3p.
Connectors (cause and result, mainly) and spelling: 1p.
Adequation and cohesion: 0.5p.
2nd Bat B, C: Friday 3rd October
2nd Bat A: Tuesday 7th October